Thursday, December 04, 2008

So Proud

Last year before we moved to Ballarat we had to come up for an orientation as Trilly's new school.  We all (the parents of all the new preppies) piled into Pemberthy Hall and watched a presentation from the principal.  Then 2 representatives from each prep class steps up and told us a bit about the year they had spent in prep.  It was very cute and it was obvious that they had chosen the brightest 2 students from each class to participate.

Yesterday at pick up time Trill comes running over to me with a note from her teacher explaining that she had been chosen to represent Prep W at todays New Parent orientation.  She was SO proud!!  She stood up on the bench in the gazebo (where we sit and wait for the kids to finish school) and read out the sheet she had been given.

Once we got home I gave her a little bit of advice about public speaking .. stand up straight, look out at the crowd, speak clearly and loudly ... so she spent the evening periodically reading it, at one point being a bit distressed that the young man who was doing it with her was going to be better but that passed.

This morning she gets out of bed and shows me that she has memorised the whole page while in bed and stands up and looks straight at me and reads her speech without the paper.

It was very cool :-)

Can't wait to pick her up tonight to see how she went.

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